

About Tony J. Selimi

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So far Tony J. Selimi has created 57 blog entries.

Three Gift Ideas for Your Valentine

With January saying goodbye, here comes February, a month that people around the world associate with love, romance, candlelight, flowers and the sound of sweet nothings. We even have a day dedicated to celebrating all the love in our lives – Valentine’s Day. So where it all did started? Valentine’s Day has its roots in [...]

Five Vital Steps to Accelerate Your Success in 2017

As the end of 2016 approaches, it is perfect time reflect on the year passed by, revaluate our life, and start planning the year ahead. If you are ready to take the reins of your life and in need of some [...]

Five Vital Steps Successful People Use to Help MASTER Your Life

If you agree that Mastery is an inner process of transformation from the inside out then you have come to the right place. You are not alone...Many people around the world including celebrities such as George Clooney, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Angelina Jolie, Oprah, even the new president elect Donald Trump experience the feeling of being [...]

From Homeless to being Interviewed on ABC, NBC, Fox, CBS, and Making a Dent in the Universe

No matter how each one of us feels, no matter what we do or not do, the truth is every time we look up, we see the sun, the moon, the sky, and an infinite universe filled with stars that at night come alive and shine their light equally on us all. What could be possible [...]

How to Break the Illusion of Not Being Good Enough

We are born whole, yet from the moment we come into this world we are constantly told by our parents, the religion in which we were born into, and the schools that we attend that we are not. We are programmed to constantly seek validation that we are good enough from external sources and create [...]

Five Principles that Elevate Your Being

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be”- Lao Tzu  It is in our DNA to continuously evolve, multiply, and wake up and rise. To search for a deeper meaning to our mortal lives. The more I was learning about Taoism, the more I came to understand the meaning [...]

The Mindset Billionaires use to Achieve Success

Since a very young age I was extremely curious to know more about what makes some people extremely successful, legendary and iconic. Why is it that the majority of people in the world, the 99% per-centers cannot have what the so called 1% per-centers already had and continue to have? Back then little I knew [...]

Social Cognition – The Solution to Global Problems

The society we live in has a wide spectrum of patterns which unaware to us constantly transform our habits, behaviors and as a result the way in which we perceive our reality. Each one of us exhibits a great quantum of psychological reactions as an automatic reflex respond directed toward the outer environmental appearances. In [...]

Accelerate Your Success in 5 Easy Steps

"It is in respecting, manging, and using your time effectively that you stay focused, clear, sharp, present, and build an extraordinary life." -Tony J. Selimi Weather you acknowledge it or not time is a precious and limited commodity of which we all are given in equal measure. Everybody gets twenty four hours per day...no more, [...]

Transform Hopelessness to Greatness

There comes a moment in our lives where no matter what we do, we don’t seem to see an end to our troubles. We end up feeling emotional, down, and hopeless. We lose faith in our abilities, we start to ride a never ending emotional rollercoaster, and we end up feeling vulnerable to the external [...]

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