

How Leadership Excellence Can Transform Anxiety and Stress into Success

Discover how leadership excellence transmutes anxiety and stress into success in our blog 'How Leadership Excellence Can Transform Anxiety and Stress into Success'.

By |2024-05-06T08:05:27+00:00May 4th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Q & A with Tony|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on How Leadership Excellence Can Transform Anxiety and Stress into Success

Navigating the Top: Why Coaching Helps Achievers to Excel

Navigating the top, excelling in every critical area, and achieving success at the highest level requires more than talent and hard work. It demands strategic thinking, exceptional leadership skills, and the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing personal, relationship, professional, and business landscape. As a CEO, entrepreneur, or successful professional, you are seen [...]

Demystifying What can Coaches do for You?

In my recent TV interview with Zërijeta Jajaga for her show @Open I was asked: Why would people not want to invest in the greatest asset -you? What is it that holds people back to have a coach or a mentor? What can coaches do for you? There are many reasons why people may not [...]

Five Vital Steps to Accelerate Your Success in 2017

As the end of 2016 approaches, it is perfect time reflect on the year passed by, revaluate our life, and start planning the year ahead. If you are ready to take the reins of your life and in need of some [...]

Five Vital Steps Successful People Use to Help MASTER Your Life

If you agree that Mastery is an inner process of transformation from the inside out then you have come to the right place. You are not alone...Many people around the world including celebrities such as George Clooney, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Angelina Jolie, Oprah, even the new president elect Donald Trump experience the feeling of being [...]

How to Break the Illusion of Not Being Good Enough

We are born whole, yet from the moment we come into this world we are constantly told by our parents, the religion in which we were born into, and the schools that we attend that we are not. We are programmed to constantly seek validation that we are good enough from external sources and create [...]

The Mindset Billionaires use to Achieve Success

Since a very young age I was extremely curious to know more about what makes some people extremely successful, legendary and iconic. Why is it that the majority of people in the world, the 99% per-centers cannot have what the so called 1% per-centers already had and continue to have? Back then little I knew [...]

Social Cognition – The Solution to Global Problems

The society we live in has a wide spectrum of patterns which unaware to us constantly transform our habits, behaviors and as a result the way in which we perceive our reality. Each one of us exhibits a great quantum of psychological reactions as an automatic reflex respond directed toward the outer environmental appearances. In [...]

Five Attitudes to Unleash Your Greatness

It's summertime in London, where ever you go you see trees, flowers, and bushes in full bloom. The leaves protect you from the hot summer sun. The warm breezes flow to cool you down from the heat radiating back at you from the heated concreate pathways, buildings, and other objects that easily store suns energy. [...]

Perception of Perfection

We are born into an environment in which we learn to resist. Through years of conditioning we develop many coping mechanisms to protect ourselves. We are conditioned to believe in things that were passed on through generations and in most cases most of us when we become adults we create an identity that is so [...]

By |2022-03-31T15:31:30+00:00October 6th, 2014|Categories: Q & A with Tony|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Perception of Perfection
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