What would change in your life if you acknowledged that you are the author of your own story and can create your future? Maybe you’ll grow an award-winning book, open a coaching business, or possibly be the partner, the leader, the successful individual you always wanted to be. Or perhaps you’ll never step outside your comfort zone, and that’s okay. You’re making a difference either way.

It’s scary to put yourself out there and be successful. This was me in 2009 when I faced one of my many worst fears – the fear of being successful. Back then, having been made redundant from a job I loved, my prospects of finding a new job were weak. The pressure to fulfil all of my financial commitments kept building. Everything around me kept telling me how much I was worth, that there were not enough senior technology jobs, and I had to lower my salary expectations if I wanted to find another job.

But deep down, I knew my worth, what I was capable of achieving, and by then, I had worked with many famous and successful coaches, trainers, and healers who helped me unleash my worth and stand in my authentic power.

Before I share some of the actions you can take to accelerate your success, here are some questions you may want to ponder with:

Do you ever feel like you could be more successful? Have there been times when you are not being appreciated for the value you bring into other people’s lives? Do you find yourself wondering about your most significant success limitations in life? Are you even aware of what kind of success you can achieve?

Suppose you are constantly making excuses, procrastinating, and judging others for the success they create in their personal, relational, social, spiritual, career, business or financial life. In that case, you are most likely reading my weekly newsletter because you want to be successful and grow to your fullest potential in all critical areas of life.

No matter what major challenge you are currently facing on your journey to success, underlying emotional issues stop you from being successful in your chosen field or area of life.

Everybody gets twenty-four hours per day…no more, no less…

Through my personal and client’s journey to success, I discovered that it matters not how much money you have or don’t have,  how educated you are, and your social position. How effectively you use the twenty-four hours a day, we all get matters.

Until maybe one day we invent a back to the future time machine; for now, it is wise to acknowledge that you can’t buy, beg, borrow or steal another one second, minute, hour, day, week, month, or a year.

What you do with those twenty-four hours is entirely up to you; of course, there will be those you love that consume some of that time. We all have obligations that must be met each day. We have jobs or businesses that provide us with the necessary income; a certain amount of time is required for sleeping, eating, socialising, reading, shopping, and fulfilling our relationship commitments.  However, what many of you may not stop and think about is how the entire.
Twenty-four are not all spoken for. How there are the few hours each day that you can use
As you want to use them. What you decide to do with them will primarily determine how successful or unsuccessful you will be in life.

Suppose you are someone who spends all of our “unspoken for hours” on social media, going out drinking, on the couch in front of the TV eating chips and drinking beer, coke, etc., in three years. In that case, you will still be doing the same tedious job, be in the same unfulfilled relationship, and give yourself or others excuses for why you weren’t the success you thought you could be.

For instance, some of those free hours if be used to learn how to grow your worth, build a business, be more financially astute, do new things or try different things, which could mean that in a short amount of time, you would have better chances for a more rewarding job, attract a better relationship, be healthier, or even turn to a successful entrepreneur that makes a difference by doing what you love.

That seems like a good idea, but where does one begin? What if success is about you being truly clear on what matters most to you?

This question that I answered back in 2012 helped me write many multi-award winning and bestselling books, appear on over 800 TV/Radio/Podcast shows, give a TEDx talk, speak around the world, and build a successful global lifestyle speaking, coaching and training business. My basic premise is to assist individuals from all professions, entrepreneurs, and executives to create mental, emotional, physical, social, relational, spiritual, financial, business and career breakthroughs to become more purposeful, successful, and thrive in every area of life.

My focus has been to be the coaching partner that helps you become successful while ensuring you quench your thirst for wellbeing, purpose, fulfilment and adventure.

If you’re not growing in all areas of life, you’re not thriving.

I just came back from Gran Canaries, where I spent five days coaching and training a client who reached out and booked my Vital Planning for Elevated Living Business and Life Mastery advanced learning and training program to assist him in living his life in more alignment with his authentic values, pursuing his ambitions and taking care of his emotional, mental and physical health. At the end of this learning and unlearning experience, my client shared how I’ve become the place and why many people and business owners like him turn to me when they need extra support or guidance.

I felt thrilled! When I first launched this unique learning experience in 2008, I had no idea of the breakthroughs and the success they would create for my client. I just knew that if my clients couldn’t find what they needed, my integrated life and business coaching advanced training would take them on an inside out self-mastery journey that focuses all of their mental and emotional faculties to help them excel and grow in business, life and career, so they succeed more quickly and thrive.

Over the years, I have helped I can teach you how to make sure that every goal across all areas of your life is CLEARER, SMARTER, and PURPOSEFUL. It is what makes you more effective and more inspired!

So, here are the three actions you can take right now:

  1. Write down why success is essential for you.
  2. Answer what success looks like for you.
  3. Set CLEARER, SMARTER, and PURPOSEFUL goals and set aside a certain amount of hours each week to work on your plan and stick to it.

It is wise to identify what you can do yourself and what is it you need to ask for help; sometimes, you might get it for free, but if you want to get far in life, my recommendation is to pay for it and get a professional coach or mentor that can be the torch that shines a light on your path to success.

If you try to re-invent the wheel, you are just wasting that valuable resource, time. One thing to keep in mind, there’s a big difference between telling yourself that you are spending money when hiring a coach and investing money in your growth. Any time you spend some money learning something that will take you closer to what you want, that’s an investment that will pay dividends for life!

Success will come much faster when you don’t waste your time trying to do it all independently.

You’ve just read about Three Actions That Accelerate Your Success. Now it’s time to take the next step and get started on your path to creating the success you dream about daily. It’s time to expand your awareness of what’s possible beyond your perceived limits, evolve your business, career, and purpose, and become the successful individual, partner, and leader you know you can be.

There’s no reason you can’t grow into your fullest potential, have a successful co-loving relationship, be a successful individual, business owner, or leader, or attract the success you deep down want. I love sharing and teaching how to get the results and where you want to be by becoming more confident, booming, credible and capable of purposefully transforming in every area of your personal, relational, social, professional, financial and business life.

Love and Wisdom

Tony J. Selimi – Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Transformational Live and Business Coach Specialising in Human Behaviour, Leadership Excellence, and Maximising Human Potential. Winner of the London SME Most Visionary Entrepreneur 2020 award, Corporate Coaching and Recruitment Business Coach of the Year 2021 Award, Silver Winner of Literary Book Award 2021, and Maincreast Media Book Award 2021 for A Path to Wisdom, #Loneliness, and The Unfakeable Code®.

PS – To consciously create the success you want, get in touch with me today! As your coaching partner, it will be an honour to work on addressing the issues that cause you headaches, pain, and frustrations and get you the clarity, the tools, and the plan that begins to put you on a path to success, grow you and your employees into the best purpose-driven leader possible. You’ll learn practical ways and skills to help you turn your fears into fuel for growth. You can inspire your employees and elevate them above their peers at competing companies while inspiring yourself as a leader.

I work on a virtual basis and in-person with clients all over the globe, facilitating the realisation and accomplishment of personal, professional, and business goals. Here are four ways I can assist you in creating life-changing breakthroughs, growth, and accelerating your journey to excellent health, influence, transformational leadership and success.

#1… Book a Breakthrough Consultation Session by sending an email to info@tonyselimi.com.

#2 … Grab your copy of my #1 Amazon bestselling and Multi-Award-Winning books, A Path to Wisdom, #Loneliness, The Unfakeable Code®, and enrol in my Mindfulness for Higher Productivity, Performance, and Profitable Life Udemy Course! Click here to join thousands of my happy students.

#3 … Make the fastest progress by hiring me to work with you on your business to train and grow your teams. Just reply to this message and put “private” in the subject line. Let me know a little about you or your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you the quote, invoice, and the necessary booking details.

#4 … Hire me as a speaker to educate, inspire and transform your audience at your next company or industry event. Click HERE to download my speaker sheet and fill in the form with your event info, and once I hear from you, I’ll send you the contract and fee info back.