Hello there, fellow busienss owner, leader, and growth seeker!

You are reading this blog because, like most business owners, you want to achieve a state of flow for your business. In other words, you want to be highly productive and engaged with your work. But you can’t do this if there are processes and systems in your business that are outdated or inefficient, if someone on your team isn’t engaged in their job or doesn’t seem happy with the work they do, or if there are places where manual processes take up too much time.

Before I share more, let me thank you for beign a valued subscriber and reading my blog. I trust my previous articles inspired you to take one positive action that makes you a more authentic individual, partner, business owner or leader in your field of expertise.

Do you have a business growing about 5% annually, and would you like to extend it faster?

If you answered yes, you’re in the right place at the right time. This article’s topic is for business owners who want to grow their businesses faster by unleashing the power of flow in their lives and businesses. It is written specifically for those with a company growing about 5% to 50% annually or less and who want to grow more and expand faster.

Do you have an employee who doesn’t seem engaged in their work?

If so, there are three things you need to consider:

  • Why is it important to have engaged employees?
  • Whom can I hire that can turn an employee’s mindset around?
  • What short, medium and long-term business benefits coaching and training employees can help you achieve?

An engaged employee will likely be valuable to your company and help drive business growth. However, disengaged employees are more than just a drag on productivity—they can also negatively affect morale and cause other problems within the workplace. Their negativity can quickly spread amongst other employees, and your company culture becomes toxic before you know it. To ensure that all of your workers are engaged in their jobs, here’s what you need to know:

  • What makes your employers tick and go beyond and above the duties written in their job description
  • What sits at the root cause of employee unhappiness

Are there systems in your business that are outdated or inefficient?

You must be aware of the importance of systems in your business. These are the foundation on which your entire organisation is built, and if they’re not fit for purpose or outdated, they could cost you millions of dollars every year.

Systems that are not automated are not only inefficient but also hard to scale. They require manual employee intervention, bogging down productivity and adding unnecessary costs to your bottom line. Systems that aren’t integrated with other systems across departments can cause friction between teams because of a lack of communication or collaboration between them—and this could lead to errors and mistakes that further dent efficiency and productivity levels within an organisation as a whole.

Additionally, systems that aren’t scalable can become costly over time because they cannot increase capacity when demand increases (for example, an understaffed call centre). Systems that aren’t secure can leave sensitive data exposed to hackers looking for ways into a company’s network infrastructure so they can steal sensitive information like credit card numbers or private customer details; this is especially important now, given the rise in cyber-attacks making headlines around the world lately!

Are there places where manual processes are taking up too much of your time or your employees’ time?

The CEO of a start-up company approached me on LinkedIn and asked me if I had any advice to help him grow his company’s turnover to a million and then to ten million and above. I responded by saying it is a disservice to me to give such advice without knowing the ins and outs of his business and advised him to stay away from people who do. Truthfully, I expected not to hear from him, but to my surprise, he said: Tony, you are right; how about I book you for a day of business coaching, and we can discuss the next steps afterwards.

Fast forward, having spent the entire day in his business, I helped him identify over one hundred manual tasks and processes that can be automated. This exercise on its own reduced the mundane tasks different teams were doing and freed up valuable employee time that we redirected to other high-priority profit-generating tasks. We are on year two of my “Reboot Your Business” Coaching Program, and so far, as his coaching partner, I’ve helped my client triple his business by creating a business flow state.

So, make sure you invest time and resources to do a business flow test, process and task MOT regularly; your business can grow when you use your and employees’ time efficiently.

The next question you may want to ponder with is:

Are you consistently generating new leads for your business?

How to become oversubscribed and have a constant flow of leads is something every entrepreneur, solopreneur, and business of all sizes wants. To grow your business and generate more leads, it’s wise to focus on nurturing existing and bringing in new customers. If you are already successfully doing this and are yielding excellent results, keep it up! But if you’re not sure how to get started, here are eight things that can help:

  • Consider delegating this to a lead generation service with an excellent track record.
  • In-house implementation of marketing automation tools (like lead generation).
  • Website optimisation for search engine optimisation (SEO) and conversion rate optimisation (CRO).
  • Do your email marketing or hire someone who can do that for you.
  • Do targeted social media marketing.
  • Share your expertise on T.V., Radio, and Podcast interviews.
  • Consider writing a book.
  • Hire a coach.

If you want to optimise the performance of your website and drive more traffic through SEO, CRO, and other digital strategies like content marketing or social media ads—but aren’t sure where to start—a professional SEO agency may be able to help.

Be warned,

There are thousands of people offering the above services; before you choose one, do your due diligence. Last year, in good faith, I appointed Cory Michael Sanchez, the founder of Mojo Global, to do my lead generation. After three months of experiencing issue after issue and not delivering on the promise of at least ten prequalified leads a week, I decided to stop.

From the outset, the deal was that if they didn’t deliver on a minimum of ten leads a week, they would refund 100% of the money. In the first month, hundreds of issues raised the first alarm bell. They delivered just one lead and were promised to provide the rest in months two and three. In the second month, they had only three tips, and in the third month, only one. None of the five people they booked was leads; they were opportunist calls asking for investment, and none even thought of investing in coaching.

The moral of the story, choose wisely what lead generation service would get you the results you want for your business. Over the years, I have built a seven-figure coaching and training business not with sophisticated automation but by authentically sharing knowledge that took me over thirty years to acquire in all of my books, rewarding clients and people who do referrals, and sharing life and business transforming insights on T.V., Radio and Podcast interviews. Some of the best clients came from reading my social media posts, watching my YouTube videos, and personally connecting and answering their questions.

Another question to ponder is this…

How would you rate your mindset regarding your business and the people who work in it?

Your mindset affects your emotions and actions, affecting your behaviour and results. Your mindset is a choice you make every day. When you develop the growth mindset for achieving business success, it will help you achieve more than ever before.

Suppose you are experiencing difficulty or challenge in your business or personal life. In that case, this could be because of an unproductive or negative mindset holding back your potential for growth and success.

Here are some tips to help improve your current mindset:

  • Know the difference between fixed and growth mindset. A Path to Wisdom book offers some great exercises you can do daily.
  • Identify what are your default responses when you get challenged.
  • Read at least one hour a day on a subject that inspires you

Another way to improve flow in your company is to ask the following question regularly:

Does everyone in your company know your core values and how they translate into their day-to-day jobs?

Core values are the foundation of your company. They’re what make it unique, and they’re why people stay with you long-term. Core values also make your company attractive to prospective employees and partners, so everyone in the organisation must know them inside out.

You can’t just have a document somewhere; they need to be ingrained in everything you do as an organisation. That way, when someone is considering working with or buying from you, they know what they’re getting into—and why they should choose you over other companies with similar offerings (but different core values).

After assisting a business owner in clarifying his core personal, business, and employee values and aligning them with their day-to-day jobs, his company achieved ten times more growth than any previous years.

Did you answer these questions and get a mixed bag of yeses and nos?

Maybe some of the answers weren’t what you expected. If so, don’t worry! This is just a simple test to see where your focus should be to achieve optimal flow for your business.

If you answered yes to most of these questions, then you’re on the right track. That means you know what creates value in your business and what can make it more productive, profitable and sustainable over time. But if most of them were noes instead…then it might be time for some changes!

The five-step method of The Unfakeable Code® can help you find a flow state for your business to generate more revenue, have authentic employees, and get more done.

The state of flow is a great way to get more done, have authentic leaders and employees, and generate more revenue for your business.

But what is flow?

Flow is a state of consciousness in which you are entirely immersed in an activity for such prolonged periods that you lose track of time and self-consciousness. In other words, when people are in the flow state, they fully engage in their work or activities while focusing on the task.

When someone enters into this state, they become so absorbed by their actions that they get lost in what they’re doing; this often results from matching one’s skills with challenges beyond them—it can be more complex than it appears but still possible if approached correctly. The result? You’ll perform at your highest potential!

By learning how to harness the power behind flow states now instead of later down the line — after investing money into training programs — companies will boost productivity by improving workers’ problem-solving abilities and creativity levels, thus increasing overall success rates across multiple industries worldwide.


When you think about the word flow, what comes to mind? If you said something like “a state of being that is full of energy and enthusiasm,” you’re on the right track.

Flow is about being in the moment and having a growth and inspiring mindset around your business. Finding this state can be very beneficial for growth because your employees will become more engaged with their work and do it better, leading to higher productivity and performance levels. You may also generate new leads more easily because these folks tend to be more receptive when they feel good about themselves at work!

Those of you engaged in high-stress performance, business productivity, and purpose missions who are ready to turn their personal and business challenges, frustrations, and pains into breakthroughs, stepping stones, and a state of flow, do reach out to my team at info@tonyselimi.com to book “Let’s Reboot My Business” coaching session. Together, we will work on identifying business bottlenecks and turn them into opportunities for greater levels of growth and achievement.

There are no shortcuts to creating a flow in your business; it takes determination and dedication to make it happen!

Love and Wisdom

Tony J. Selimi – Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Transformational Life and Business Coach Specialising in Human Behaviour, Leadership Excellence, and Maximising Human Potential. Winner of the London SME Most Visionary Entrepreneur 2020 award, Corporate Coaching and Recruitment Business Coach of the Year 2021 Award, Silver Winner of Literary, Winner of Maincreast Media, and  Book Excellence Award 2022 for A Path to Wisdom, Loneliness, The Unfakeable Code®, and A Path to Excellence.

👉 P.S. You Are Born to Unfakeably Influence the World with Excellence Leading the Way. Make sure you sign up for the Unfakeably Influence the World and get an inspirational newsletter with tips and tricks on growing into your fullest potential every week!

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