
Tony J Selimi Books

Honoured to Have Received a Book Excellence Award!

It's official —I am incredibly excited to announce that my #1 internationally bestselling book, The Unfakeable Code®,  Take back control, lead authentically and live freely on your terms, is the Winner of the" Book Excellence Award 2022" in the Category: Personal Growth and Development. Out of thousands of books entered into the Book Excellence Awards [...]

Why Unleashing The Power of Transformational Leadership Matters

Dear growth seeker, Thank you for choosing to invest your time in reading this article about the importance of transformative leadership and growing the most precious asset you will ever possess - You. So many of you have messaged me here on my website, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and on WhatsUp to ask me to share [...]

Fear of Losing Identity

This is one of the most common fears faced by millions worldwide. You can notice its presence in your life by becoming aware if you can accept yourself for who you are today, but deep down, you're worried about changing and losing yourself. You're reluctant to push for more money at work because you're afraid [...]

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