4 Dazzling Ways to Reboot Your Mind

Hi there, fellow growth seeker and change-maker!

The journey to achieving significant levels of happiness, success, and fulfilling your most incredible goals is not always painted in red roses. We spend more and more time working and living in a dynamic, hybrid, and fast-paced world, leaving us feeling that we want to escape from reality and need to recharge our batteries. Feeling anxious, exhausted, under pressure and stressed have become the new normal for most people, affecting their personal lives, relationships, businesses and careers. To make things worse, many people have to deal with the uncertainty brought by the Covid pandemic, Brexit, and the war in Ukraine.

No matter whom I coach, they all seek help to help them overcome the hardships of coping with the daily personal, relationship, career, business and financial demands stemming from hectic busy bee ways of living, worry from rising costs, and stress. These individuals from all professional backgrounds, leaders, business owners, celebrities, or CEOs of fortune 500 organisations all have in common: that they want to escape the daily grind and go on holiday to recharge.

But, no matter how often they do this, they return feeling they need another holiday to recuperate from the previous one. They come back to face the very same challenges they were escaping from, and sometimes they have become even more significant than before.

The solution – reboot your mind.

Before I share more, let me thank you for being a valued subscriber and customer.

So, you may be wondering how you reboot your mind.

The answer is to make you your highest priority and take the time to care for your body, mind, heart and soul. While it’s easy to get caught up in daily life’s craziness, prioritising your mental, emotional, and physical health is critical. It would help if you remembered that self-care is not selfish. It can help you be the best in all that you do.

Do you ever feel like your mind is operating in a low-power mode? That you have less energy, focus and clarity than you used to? Well, that’s normal. It happens to the best of us! But it can be fixed by making small changes in our daily habits. And one of the most effective ways to reboot your mind is through simple self-care practices like meditation, exercise and gratitude journaling. I’ve taught many of my clients to use these proven ways that you can use to boost energy levels and improve overall health. They’re so simple that anyone can do them – even if they’re already busy with other things!

1. Meditate daily.

Meditation is a simple practice, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to train your mind, body and spirit.

It can help you to focus and concentrate better on whatever you’re doing at the moment. It also enables you to relax and reduces stress levels by reducing activity in the limbic system of your brain. Meditation can also boost creativity by increasing activity in your prefrontal cortex—a part of the brain that regulates emotion and decision-making. Here is a link to a selection of complete body-mind-soul transformation programs you can use daily.

2. Exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes.

Exercise is one of the best ways to deal with stress and anxiety and reboot your body-mind.

It refreshes your mind as it releases endorphins – chemicals that make you feel good and reduce stress. It helps you sleep better, be more productive and creative, feel better about yourself and maintain a healthy weight. Research shows that exercise can help reduce stress levels by up to 65%.

Almost any exercise or activity can improve your fitness while lowering stress levels. The most important thing is to choose something you enjoy doing. Walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting, and swimming are just a few examples. It will help in making you feel better after a hectic day.

Remember that you don’t have to join a gym to get moving. Take a walk with the dog, try body-weight exercises or do a yoga video at home.

3. Write down a daily gratitude journal, and develop an attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude is a choice, and it’s one that you can choose every day. The more you do it, the better you feel (and the more clearly you see your life as it is).

This habit offers many benefits. It reminds us of what we have rather than focusing on what we don’t have; studies show that this shift in focus leads to greater happiness and well-being. It also helps us to appreciate those around us—and be grateful for them! We often take others for granted until something happens that reminds us how lucky we are to have their love and support in our lives. If nothing else, writing down whatever comes into your mind as a “gratitude” will make all of your experiences seem much more special than they usually would be if not for this practice.

* Develop an attitude of gratitude by practising gratitude regularly.*

Gratitude isn’t about feeling happy all day long; it’s about knowing how fortunate you are despite any difficulties or challenges in your life right now—because when those challenges end (or even before), there will always be something good waiting right around the corner.* Gratitude is an attitude: It’s an outlook on life distinct from happiness- the feeling of contentment despite hard times- so even if bad things happen, being grateful means acknowledging both positive and negative thoughts without dwelling too much on them, either one at length.

Gratitude is also a practice: A way of looking at things differently than before, so they’re no longer seen only through rose-coloured glasses but through clear lenses (notwithstanding any redness caused by crying too much over spilt milk).

4. Clarify your goals, and define workable action steps to achieve them.

You want to achieve a specific outcome and know the steps to get there. Now it’s time to clarify your goals.

Let’s say you want to become healthier by eating better and exercising more often. First, ask yourself what specific actions would be involved in achieving these goals. For example:

  • What foods can I eat that support my physical health goals?
  • How often is it wise for me to exercise?
  • How much do I need to exercise each week?

The brain is a muscle; like any other muscle, it needs to be exercised. If you don’t use your brain enough—if you don’t think about things or let your mind wander—then just like any other muscle that isn’t regularly, it will become weak and slow down over time. The less you exercise your brain regularly, the more sluggish and tired it becomes as its neurons get tired from constant activity. Like computers, our brain also needs to be rebooted periodically. Just like a computer occasionally needs to be shut down completely so that its RAM can clear itself out before starting again (which also allows for new information coming into the system), so too does our own mental “computer” need to be rebooted now and then so those old thoughts can leave room for new ones! This is why reading books and meditation work so well: meditating helps us clear away a good proportion of those subconscious thoughts cluttering our minds, and reading books fill the gap left behind with more empowering beliefs that eventually lead to an upgraded mindset!


We must keep our minds flexible and adaptable in a constantly changing world. Although your brain does not have a restart button, there are numerous ways to reboot it. With the tools and techniques shared in this article and any of my multi-award-winning books, you can enjoy a renewed sense of clarity, focus and energy in your daily life! It is critical to set aside time to self-reflect, pause, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to begin to relax.

Try any of the suggestions to see which works best for you! If you stick to them, then greatness will follow.

Lastly, remember this…

There are no shortcuts to achieving peace of mind, work-life balance, and your highest potential; it takes determination and dedication to make it happen!

Love and Wisdom

Tony J. Selimi – Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Transformational Life and Business Coach Specialising in Human Behaviour, Leadership Excellence, and Maximising Human Potential. Winner of the London SME Most Visionary Entrepreneur 2020 award, Corporate Coaching and Recruitment Business Coach of the Year 2021 Award, Silver Winner of Literary Book Award 2021, and Maincreast Media Book Award 2021 for A Path to Wisdom, Loneliness, and The Unfakeable Code®. Winner of Book Excellence Award 2022! Author of the just-released book A Path to Excellence.

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  1. I work on a virtual basis and in-person with clients all over the globe, facilitating the realisation and accomplishment of personal, relational, professional, financial and business goals. As your coaching partner, it will be an honour to work on accelerating your journey to excellence, influence, success, fulfilment and inspiration. With combined expertise in engineering, technology, CBT, NLP, human behaviour, emotional intelligence, and business coaching, we can work on issues that can lead to more empowerment and influence in your personal, relationship, and social life. You will start to feel more of who you indeed are, healthy, energised, sure, confident, and more in control of the rains of your life, including in your professional, business growth, and leadership skills.

Here are four ways we can work together to create life-changing breakthroughs, grow, accelerate your journey to excellent health, influence, wealth, transformational leadership, and go from where you are to where you genuinely want to be in every critical area of life.

#1… Book a Breakthrough Consultation Session by sending an e-mail to info@tonyselimi.com. I invite those of you who are high achievers and change-makers to spend five or ten incredible days transforming what pains you into what inspires you by being privately coached and trained by me—taking place in beautiful locations worldwide. Booking yourself on Vital Planning Business and Life Mastery Training will assist you in learning new and more productive ways and proven methods, tools, and principles that can help you upgrade your psychology and achieve your wildest dreams. Together, we can help you deliver the ever-evolving purpose you want to share with the world.

#2 … To learn more tools that support you in rebooting and upgrading your mind so you can achieve the highest levels of fulfilment, growth, and success, do get your copy of my #1 Amazon bestselling and Multi-Award-Winning books, A Path to Wisdom, #Loneliness, The Unfakeable Code®, A Path to Excellence, and enrol in my Mindfulness for Higher Productivity, Performance, and Profitable Life Udemy Course! Click here to join thousands of happy students.

#3 … Make the fastest progress by hiring me to work with you on your business to train and grow your teams. Private message me, or e-mail my PA at info@tonyselimi.com and put “private” in the subject line. Let her know a little about you or your business and why you would like to work together, and you’ll get the quote, invoice, and the necessary booking details.

#4 … Hire me as a speaker to educate, inspire and transform your audience at your next company or industry event. Click HERE to download my speaker sheet and fill in the form with your event info.