Are you ready to face your inauthentic self, take back control, lead authentically and live freely on your terms? After working with thousands of coaches, entrepreneurs and businesses from all market sectors, Tony J. Selimi is excited to reveal The Unfakeable Code® brain science of health, wealth and success... so you can use it to learn how to recognise and eliminate the hidden relationship, health, money and business blocks that hold you back from making the type of contribution, impact and money you've dreamed about for years. You'll walk away with a cutting-edge, brain-upgrade-based system to eliminate your invisible, outdated "Success Stories" that keep you stuck at your current income, impact, and success level—even though you're working longer hours and more demanding than ever. The Unfakeable Code® Audiobook has a wealth of information and inspiration to take charge of your life and create your inspired mission, vision, and purpose. In this Audiobook, You Will Discover... The five principles that form the foundation of The Unfakeable Code® Method:
  • How to own your power and handle judgments.
  • Develop your ability to listen in terms of values.
  • Learn how to take self-deception and increase your self-worth.
  • Learn to love and accept your authentic self
  • Be a leader that everyone wants to follow.
  • Use your emotions intelligently.
  • Create an inspired destiny and life's purpose.
  • Have greater clarity, focus and drive.
  • Master your negative self-talk.
This audiobook book will profoundly touch and inspire you concerning your greatness and potential and the magnificence of every human soul. This is not just a book. It is a life manual that allows you to awaken your authenticity and greatness, listen to your unfakeable's intuition, truth and quest, and create your inspired mission.