With Tony as your trusted coaching partner, you can become your best self so that it can translate into all areas of your personal, professional, work and business life. In this package, you address challenges that you may have in each of the eight key areas in life in detail so that you can realize a bigger vision. You will get inspired to do more and be more whilst enjoying being showered with a blend of Science, Psychology, and Spiritual topics designed to maximise your human potential. Enjoy your unprecedented success while remaining authentic and committed to your highest vision, inspired mission, and Soul’s Purpose. This Platinum Tier Program is intended for very successful CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Celebrities (TV, Hollywood Actors, Sports Stars, Singers, World Leaders) and Royals who would love to receive spiritual guidance to catapult their expansion and achieve their ultimate health, relationship, and long-lasting Soul Nurturing Success! This tier of private coaching with Tony is highly personalized and tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. If this is for you, Tony invites you to request more information and receive a formal application by getting in touch with Tony directly or emailing his team at info@tonyselimi.com