Did you know that 97% of businesses know they have problems that they are struggling with, yet only 3% of the companies act? The twelve-week business MOT program offered by Tony J. Selimi, a world-renowned transformational coach specialising in human behaviour, is designed to address the everyday struggles and challenges businesses face. It aims to help business owners overcome obstacles, change unhelpful feelings and reactions, and achieve growth and success. This program is suitable for overwhelmed and stuck individuals who know they have untapped potential. It is also beneficial for those transitioning from a full-time career to becoming an entrepreneur, looking to write a book or create courses, and seeking to improve team dynamics and dissolve conflicts and stress. As a trusted business coaching partner, Tony will provide clarity and focus on the most critical aspects of your business. Whether you prefer in-person or virtual consultations, Tony will support you in creating the desired results and moving your business forward.