  • The Business Optimising Coaching Program is designed to help you achieve accelerated business results and overcome challenges. Over the course of one year, you will work closely with Tony to identify growth opportunities, improve team dynamics, and address any recurring issues. Tony's coaching approach will keep you focused on activities that are most effective in growing your business and delivering the desired results. Whether you prefer in-person or virtual sessions in London or require Tony's services at a different location in the UK or worldwide, he can accommodate your needs (travel charges may apply). Participating in this program can expect sustainable and long-term business growth, improved team performance and retention rates, and practical problem-solving strategies. Tony's expertise and guidance will help you drive your business towards success.
  • Did you know that 97% of businesses know they have problems that they are struggling with, yet only 3% of the companies act? The twelve-week business MOT program offered by Tony J. Selimi, a world-renowned transformational coach specialising in human behaviour, is designed to address the everyday struggles and challenges businesses face. It aims to help business owners overcome obstacles, change unhelpful feelings and reactions, and achieve growth and success. This program is suitable for overwhelmed and stuck individuals who know they have untapped potential. It is also beneficial for those transitioning from a full-time career to becoming an entrepreneur, looking to write a book or create courses, and seeking to improve team dynamics and dissolve conflicts and stress. As a trusted business coaching partner, Tony will provide clarity and focus on the most critical aspects of your business. Whether you prefer in-person or virtual consultations, Tony will support you in creating the desired results and moving your business forward.
  • This Meditation is part of TJS Evolutionary Meditations solutions designed specifically to activate the body's natural healing powers. Every word and sound is designed to deepen and awaken you. To position you and to allow you to relax, trust and surrender to the natural healing process of your infinite being. With such inner focus towards yourself, you will open up to allow your imagination to see, experience and feel the true healer within you. Through the power of your mind you are able to directly influence every cell in your body, and this meditation guides you to tap into your own inner potential and awaken your inner doctor. This is excellent guided meditation is for you if you are looking to:
    1. Complement your healing journey with harnessing the power of meditation
    1. Achieve total body mind relaxation.
    2. Connect to the natural healing powers of your body, mind heart and soul
    3. Aid you to overcome emotional challenges such as: stress, depression, anxiety, overwhelm
    4. Help you overcome addictions, physical health challenges, and restore balance to your body
    5. Guide you to experience the true power of Love.
    As you awaken from the experience, you will feel peaceful, loved, healed, and with a strong sense of wellbeing. To learn more about how you can accelerate your healing journey, start learning more about the TJS Evolutionary Method, start reading or listening to Tony’s award-winning and best-selling book A Path to Wisdom and #Loneliness. Study, use and embody the wisdom you gain through using the five pillars of this method in your day to day life to help you gain the clarity and the tools required to live a balanced, healthy and peaceful life. Do this meditation daily and start to feel yourself returning to a healthier state of being. This meditation is to awaken you to the masterful physician that resides in you. You will access your mental healing faculties, connect and acknowledge you as the source of your healing potential, and reconnect your being to the infinite wisdom of love. This meditation awakens you to your own energy so you are able to connect to the masterful physician that resides in you. Throughout this step by step process you will become aware of your mental healing faculty, connecting and acknowledging your own healing power.  
  • Tony J. Selimi offers a Pay as You Go Fast & Energetic Clarity Coaching Consultation for individuals feeling overwhelmed, stuck, stressed, lacking self-confidence, or going through a midlife crisis. This consultation is designed to help individuals break free from their painful past and move towards a more empowered and intentional future. During the session, Tony will help you overcome obstacles and change the feelings and reactions holding you back from achieving success. Whether it's dealing with anxiety, depression, procrastination, fears, phobias, or physical exhaustion, Tony aims to provide clarity and peace of mind. The consultation covers various areas, including career transitions, relationship conflicts, health challenges, entrepreneurial pursuits, book writing, course creation, business challenges, team dynamics, and conflict resolution. Tony offers no long-term commitment or coaching contracts, allowing clients to work with him individually whenever they need support. Sessions can be conducted in-person or virtually, allowing clients to access Tony's coaching wherever they are located. With Tony J. Selimi as your trusted coach, you can tap into your potential and take action towards creating breakthroughs and moving forward in life.
  • Looking for a way out of your perceived loneliness and life’s greatest adversity? Every chapter of the book is a place where you can learn the things in life that really matter, such as how to overcome loneliness, life greatest challenges, and listen to your ALARM so that you become an epic leader, change-maker, conscious friend, partner or parent. It shows you how to speak your truth, equilibrate your perceptions, and breakthrough limiting beliefs so that you can satisfy your desire for spiritual, mental, emotional, financial freedom. Learn healthy habits and ways of being that are needed to be of service to you, your family, community, society, and humanity. The lessons and practical exercises in this book prove how anyone is capable of transmuting loneliness in the ocean of oneness and achieving greatness. Do all of the exercises and see how you too can be the luminary that makes a greater impact in the world. Embody the wisdom in each paragraph and turn it into a rocket fuel that propels you to the heights where you can shine like an eternal star.
  • “Tony J. Selimi’s new masterpiece A Path to Wisdom is a thought-provoking book that can centre your soul, touch your heart and heal your body-mind.” Dr John Demartini – International best-selling author of The Values Factor. This is your chance to awaken your greatness, listen to your call for love, and learn to access the innate wisdom that is there to help you create your inspired mission. Are you ready to create a balanced, healthy and peaceful life? You are here because you are someone who’s soul, mind, and heart is searching for the truth. You are here because you know that you too can switch on the light and offer the hand to those living in darkness. In this book, I have distilled the lifelong lessons into a method you can use to create balance across all of the eight key areas of life: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Relationship, Love, Business and Finances. Let the USA Book Awards 2015 Finalist, Top Shelf Magazine Winner of 2018 and Amazon Best Selling book A Path to Wisdom give you access to your heart’s intelligence and provide you with a deeper awareness of the importance of coherence – which is the alignment of your heart, mind, emotions and body in a state of resonance and cooperation. Permit yourself to let your thirsty mind be quenched with the wisdom shared on every page in this book.
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