In my recent TV interview with Zërijeta Jajaga for her show @Open I was asked:

Why would people not want to invest in the greatest asset -you? What is it that holds people back to have a coach or a mentor? What can coaches do for you?

There are many reasons why people may not use a coach. Some to mention are having lack of financial resources, not having personal development high on their highest values, time rstrictions, and in many cases simply not knowing what a great life coach can do for them.

I went on to explain to her audience that a Life Coach is someone who through powerful questioning is ale to be the mirror the client needs to reflect back at themselves the clarity, certainty, and credibility needed to make better life choices, decisions, and create the healthy habits designed to create their dream life.

Throughout centuries the greatest rulers of all times used trusted advisers to help them direct their kingdom and win wars. In the recent real life coaching Hollywood and Los Angeles Award Winning documentary “Living My Illusion,” that I co-created with my elite coaching clients Joel and Timea Van der Molen, it highlights how having a coach it is not a new age thing. In contrary, it is the advisory services of the great philosopher Aristotle that helped the world-conqueror Alexander the Great win battles and conquer new lands.

Did  you know that Aristotle’s advice covered everything from Alexander’s diet and personal hygiene to how to conduct war and respond to changing political circumstances across more than a millennium.

Today, top athletes, celebrities, and leaders invest in coaching and mentoring to help them achieve their chief aim. The question you may want to answer is why not you?

Before I demystify what a coach or a great mentor can do for you, here are five things what coaches and mentors are not there to do for you.

1. Be your therapist.
2. Control them by asking to hold you/them accountable.
3. Make decisions for you.
4. Expect them to take actions for you.
5. Coach you for FREE outside your contractual agreed hours.

If you are someone who expect one of those five things from your coach-mentor, then coaching is not for you. If you want someone who can focus you on all of the eight key areas of life, then you may want to adjust your expectations, becoming coachable, and consider hiring a coach who is equipped to handle all types of coaching needs and integrates various approaches that meet your specific goals in life.

A great life coach is someone who is credible, qualified, and can create the space and the clarity needed in a chosen life area you want to work on. An experienced life coach is like your personal GPRS system that guides you to become aware of the subconscious behaviours, beliefs, and conflicting values that keep you stuck in the rut.

As your See-Through Coach I can help you instil accountability, new awareness, and new action steps you can take to achieve the outcomes you desire.

Few years ago a client hired me as his business success coach to grow his company Vandercom, a leading telecommunication company from 1 million a month in reoccurring revenue to 10 million in a period of three years.

Not only we set the foundation, vision, and the processes needed for the business growth they wanted, we also video documented their business and personal life coaching journey.

It is the breakthroughs that my clients started to experience which inspired them to point the camera back at themselves and co-create what has now become Hollywood and Los Angeles Award Winning thought provoking documentary that inspires action.

For sure going through the process can be painful, revealing, and extremely challenging. Though, if you come prepared for each session, a life coach can help you discover what’s hidden behind the many masks your subconscious mind creates. It can also uncover the protecting mechanism created by fear, trauma, and limiting self-beliefs.

A life coach or business success coach, who like me has studied many life disciplines and has mentored thousands of people, can teach you how to tap and unlock the many inner resources and mental faculties that lie dormant and unused.

For instance, I recently attended a strategy meeting with my mentor Daniel Priestly, the founder of Dent, who coached few of us on how to perfect our pitch, generate more sales, and become the key person of influence in our industry.

The truth is, I love to be coached and mentored by successful entrepreneurs, experts, and teachers. It is what helped me overcome many of the life adversities that hit me from a very young age, be successful in my corporate technology career, and now be the leading human behavioural and cognition expert who travel the world and help others maximise their human potential.

I love to continuously improve all of the eight key areas of life: Business, Finances, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Relationship and Love. I read books, attend seminars, and work with world best experts to help me up my game. This way I can serve more clients, create coaching, training and mentoring programs that focus my clients to resolve meaningful problems for humanity.

Similarly, first thing that many of my clients who approach me for coaching or mentoring do is to read my books A Path to Wisdom and #Loneliness. This gives them the clarity needed to asses my credibility, trustworthiness, and what in specific I can help them with. They also listen to hundreds of video testimonials on my you tube channel that various clients I have helped over the many years have given.

You may want to listen to my recent interview with Jack Canfield, the international bestselling author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” that sold over 600 million copies.

Through a series of one-on-one consultations, my integrated coaching and mentoring approach can help you recognise the factors that are stopping you from having the life you want.

My role as your life coach is to support you gain the clarity of what is it that you truly want. Assist you set clear and SMARTER goals and through every session help you get the clarity you need to keep the momentum for you to achieve your set outcomes and cerate the experiences you dream about most.

So here are the twelve things I as your coach can do for you:

1. Clarify Your Vision, Mission and Purpose by helping you discover what you’re meant to do and what makes you happy.
2. Discover Your True Identity by teaching you new ways to listen to your true being and learn to be authentic in all aspects of your life.
3. Achieve Self-mastery by focusing on your personal growth, attaining body, mind, spirit, and emotional well-being and harmony.
4. Improve Family Dynamics by teaching you how to communicate better, resolve family conflicts, and develop great relationships with your family.
5. Attract Your Ideal Partner and teach you techniques that can help you date successfully and deepen intimacy with your loved one.
6. Improve Your Finances by teaching you proven techniques, implement processes, and develop products that sell and resolve most amount of problems for people, and help you maximize your money power.
7. Chose, Improve, and Change Your Career: Gain clarity, develop your professional life, get promoted, and be in the job that is aligned to your highest values.
8. Attain work-life balance so that you can focus your time on areas of your life that you want to develop and enjoy more.
9. Build Your Social Skills, Confidence, and use the time and the energy required to do activities you always wanted to do.
10. Attain Perfect Health: Address areas in life that have an impact on your health
11. Change Your Physical Environment and assist you to get clear on the steps you need to make towards creating your ideal home.
12. Start, grow, and accelerate your business. Write a book, create products and services to sell, improve team dynamics,sales processes and the overall organizational well-being.

I trust the above has given you the clarity what I as your See-Through Coach can do for you. If you are ready to re-engineer your life, then get in touch asap as I love nothing more than to shine light on your ideas that would normally be brushed aside.

Investing in coaching and mentoring with some of the world best expert is what helped me develop the capabilities of high-potential performers, travel around the world speaking, coaching and mentoring business owners, executives, leaders, celebrities, and professionals from all market sectors.

It’s your turn…My TJS Integrated Clarity Coaching was designed to help you get the certainty you need to go from where you are to where you want to be.

Love and Wisdom,

The See-Through Coach

“Loving the unlovable in you is not a choice, it is your destiny.”